Thursday, April 12, 2007

Assignment 4

screaming into the shower is a favourite past time of mine, and so, it's inevitable that this is the theme of my poster.

(that sounded marginally boring.)

anyway. save the music is the running theme, and i thought about all the different things that are music related and thought about Singapore Idol, and how it's ironic that Singapore idols never really seem to become big stars like their american counterparts. i wanted to go with that theme, and how, sometimes, people should really not try and sing anywhere else but in the privacy of their own home. then i thought, where do people usually sing the most at home?

even the most tone death person can sing in their shower.

so for crying out loud, STAY in that damned shower.

so the poster. proper now.

basically i envisioned a mirror, cracking because the singer was severely out of key, and hitting notes not known to the human ear. In order to put that into perspective i decided to use the mirror over a bathroom sink, where it was probable that a reflection might be found. i also wanted to add in the feel of how bad the music could sound. and in order to be polite, i wanted any of the copies to be in a rather understated tone.

so the mirror cracks, with hard, distinct edges. i think you get the idea that it's a little hard on the ears. the centre point in the mirror part attracts attention to itself, and thus, the viewer should follow the lines that flow out from it in order to be led to see the whole poster. this mirror part is the central focal point, and thus, all the other elements of the poster may be allowed to fade into the background.

also, the text is plain, simple and in white. eyecatching enough, but not that in your face, a reflection of being polite about it. (and politically correct) :)

so in presentation, remy mentioned that there was no negative space (he has a point. thanks remy). and so, i am going to do something about the back ground, either grayscale it, or sepia, but i was also thinking of trying out the filters in photoshop. the whole point is to make the backgrounds less significant, and make the mirror part stand out. the mirror stays as full colour, again reiterating the idea that that is the central focal point.

also, the type face of the text seems to look a little warped. will look into that. :)

later friends!