Monday, February 5, 2007

Assignment 2

why does it seem so difficult to find SOMETHING to distill and turn into a symbol?

because we live in a world where virtually EVERYTHING has been simplified into a symbol.

but. i managed to convince myself into doing something. it's not great (at least i think it's a little too simple and primative at this stage), but i am, of course, going to get some advice from my classmates. ultimately the whole concept might change, but at this point, i am happy, somewhat, with what i've done.

so the assignment entailed that i should select something, object or event alike, and develop a symbol for it. for this assignment, i selected badminton as the event to be symbollized. i selected the shuttlecock, seeing that it is, in essence, the defining symbol of badminton. other objects associated with badminton are not especially distinct to the sport of badminton. thus, i selected the shuttlecock to develop into a symbol.

for the process, i chose iconic representation, which pretty much entailed trying to imitate the shape of the shuttlecock, and developing that into a symbol for badminton. AGAIN, the picture files need to be converted to jpeg before i can upload them, so they'll be up soon. hopefully.

i'll be writing more when i get comments and stuff, but at this stage, the main difficulties were looking for the object to put through abstraction; especially looking for one which wasnt already obviously developed into a symbol. i'm not saying the shuttlecock hasn't already been developed, it's more like i havent actually seen a symbol of badminton that is quite like the one i've developed. whether that is due to ignorance or inability, i'm not sure. but when comments come streaming in tomorrow, i will know. hopefully, it works out.

ok. that's it for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think it's a good choice of object given that I haven't seen an icon of it before *shrugs* maybe because the badminton rackets take precedence?

Btw hope you don't mind that I've added you as a link on my blog. Easier access lah.
